Getting started

When the data comes back from the sequencer, it is one giant text file in fastq format that includes all data from your lane of sequencing. Remember about barcodes- we can use these to demultiplex our data (or really the sequencing center will do it for you, depending on your data type).

In general, you’ll take some fairly consistent steps, with a lot of options, to process your data so you can get to the point of calling snps. These are:

  • quality control
  • cleaning
  • mapping

Looking at raw data

You can find the data for the tutorial in the directory ~/shared_materials/tutorial_files

For our purposes will use just one sample to learn about data processing. This is sample, TR-023, which is randomly chosen. After demultiplexing, we have two files associated with this sample: TR-023_RA.fastq.gz and TR-023_RB.fastq.gz

Why do we have two files for one sample?

These files are in fastq format, shown below:

@J00113:190:HFV3LBBXX:7:1101:3742:1297 1:N:0:NAGCTT
@J00113:190:HFV3LBBXX:7:1101:13738:1314 1:N:0:NAGCTT
@J00113:190:HFV3LBBXX:7:1101:19015:1314 1:N:0:NAGCTT

In the fastq file, each read consists of 4 lines:

  1. A sequence identifier with information about the sequencing run and the sequence
  2. The actual sequence
  3. A separator (+)
  4. the quality scores.

You can look at your fastq file yourself. However, these are gz files.

Try to look at your fastq file with head. What do you see?

You need to use zcat your_fastqFile. Warning! This will print your whole file! You can do this and see what happens. control + c will cancel the printing.

Instead, we need to use |, or a pipe. So we can pipe the output of zcat to another command, in this case head.

zcat TR-023_RA.fastq.gz | head

We can also count how many lines are in our file. you do this with wc -l.

Use zcat, |, and wc -l to count the number of reads in your fastq files.

  • How many reads do you have?
  • Do the number of forward and reverse reads agree? Why?

check quality

We first need to make a directory to hold the output from these quality control steps.

  • In my_materials, make a directory called quality_control.

We will use fastqc to check the quality of our sequencing. Briefly, this program scans our fastq files and checks for quality, contamination from adapters, and sequence bias, among others.

Look at the help page of fastqc using fastqc --help

We can then run fastqc for our forward read:

# move to your quality_control directory before running this code

fastqc ~/shared_materials/tutorial_files/TR-023_RA.fastq.gz -o .

You can look at the results of this program by opening (double clicking) the html file in the browswer in cloudlab.

  • Modify the above code to run fastqc on your reverse read.
  • Discuss the output of fastqc together.


We don’t have much evidence for adapter contamination with this sample, but we do see evidence for some quality issues, which are normal. We can deal with these issues by trimming. Note, this isn’t totally necessary in all cases as many alignment software can deal with low quality bases.

We will use Trim Galore to clean up our data. There are many programs you can use for this- we’re using Trim Galore because it is relatively simple and because it auto detects adapters.

Below is the code to run this program. Again, you can get help using trim_galore --help

The options that are relevant here are:

  • --paired: Telling Trim Galore our data is paired
  • Our files as input
  • -q 30: quality threshold for trimming. Commonly 20 or 30 where Q = -10log10(e). so Q20 is 99% probabilty of a correct call and Q30 is 99.9%.
  • --length 30:Length at which to toss out short reads
  • --stringency 4: the overlap required for an adapter to be considered a match.

Run trim galore on your data.

trim_galore --paired \
      ~/shared_materials/tutorial_files/TR-023_RA.fastq.gz \
      ~/shared_materials/tutorial_files/TR-023_RB.fastq.gz \
      -q 30 --length 30 --stringency 4

After trim_galore finishes, run fastqc on your newly trimmed data.

  • What has changed? Anything?
  • Change the stringency, quality, or length threshold in your trim_galore command and re-run the trimming and fastqc. How has this affected your results?

Align to reference genome

We’re not actually doing this!

Short lecture on alignment, reference genomes, and Stacks.

Understanding mapping output

Output files are in sam or bam format where bam files are compressed versions of sam files.

Use head to look at your bam output. What do you see?

We need to use another program, samtools to look at our bam file. Again, use samtools --help or just samtools to get an overview of this program.

The most basic tool in samtools is samtools view, which prints the bam file in plain text. You can see the help page with samtools view --help.

the basic syntax is: samtools view NAME.bam…. remeber head and |.

Look at your bam file using samtools.

You should see something like this:


So what’s going on in this file? Its a lot to digest.

Col Field Brief_description our_read
1 QNAME Query template NAME J00113:190:HFV3LBBXX:7:1223:20912:25914
2 FLAG bitwise FLAG 163
3 RNAME References sequence NAME NW_012224401.1
4 POS 1-based leftmost mapping POSition 27218
5 MAPQ MAPping Quality 60
6 CIGAR CIGAR string 150M
7 RNEXT Ref. name of the mate/next read =
8 PNEXT Position of the mate/next read 27487
9 TLEN observed Template LENgth 409
10 SEQ segment SEQuence CACACAG…
11 QUAL ASCII of Phred-scaled base QUALity plus 33 AAFFFFJ…
12 NM:i:count Number of differences between the sequence and reference NM:i:1
13 MD:Z: String encoding mismatched and deleted reference bases MD:Z:60G89
14 AS:i:score Alignment score generated by aligner AS:i:145
15 XS:i:score Seconday alignment score XS:i:115
16 RG:Z:readgroup Read group identification RG:Z:AC-3-TR-023-023

Walk through the table above together

Alignment statistics

The easiest way to look at how well our mapping worked is to use samtools flagstat TR-023.bam, which gives us this output:

1147073 + 0 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads)
1124360 + 0 primary
0 + 0 secondary
22713 + 0 supplementary
238412 + 0 duplicates
234206 + 0 primary duplicates
1127675 + 0 mapped (98.31% : N/A)
1104962 + 0 primary mapped (98.27% : N/A)
1124360 + 0 paired in sequencing
562180 + 0 read1
562180 + 0 read2
1003448 + 0 properly paired (89.25% : N/A)
1097766 + 0 with itself and mate mapped
7196 + 0 singletons (0.64% : N/A)
86662 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr
53567 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5)

Short lecture/discussion on these results

In-depth alignment statistics

Remember the flags in your bam file? You can filter your reads based on this (which is what samtools flagstat is doing). However, we can be more specific. The syntax to do this is: samtools view -f # TR-023.bam. Where -f can also be -F and # is the flag you want to use.

  • -f to find the reads that agree with the flag statement
  • -F to find the reads that do not agree with the flag statement

At this website you can generate any flag definition you want (or get a flag explained).

Go to

How would you find the number of mapped reads in your bam file? Do this now.

  • Does this number agree with samtools flagstat?

You can filter by quality by adding a -q ## option. A score of 20 is a common threshold.

  • Count the number of mapped reads with q of 20. What do you find?

We can look at the mapping quality overall:

samtools view TR-023.bam | cut -f 5 > ~/my_materials/quality_control/mapq.txt
  • Plot a histogram of these mapping qualities in R (hint, just use hist()).